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Professional Artist Membership Application
Contact Information

Name *
First Name
Last Name
Studio Name
Address *
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Email *
Phone *
Primary Medium *  
Secondary Medium  
Please contact me with Volunteer opportunities
Membership Categories

Individual Artist
Individual 1 yr
x $35.00
Individual Artist 3 yr
x $100.00
Individual Artist Lifetime
x $600.00
NARM Individual Artist (1 yr)  
x $100.00
Joint/Studio Artist
Joint/Studio Artist 1 yr
x $45.00
Joint/Studio Artist 3yr
x $130.00
Joint Member Name (First and Last)  
Senior Artist
Senior Artist 1 yr
x $25.00
Senior Artist 3 yr
x $70.00
Senior Joint Artist 1yr
x $35.00
Senior Joint Artist 3 yr
x $100.00
Student Artist
Student Artist 1 yr
x $20.00
Student Artist 3 yr
x $55.00
 Yes, I would like to cover the 3% processing fee
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