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Register for or make a donation to Life Experiences' 36th annual Harry H. Montgomery Golf Tournament below.
If you have any questions, or prefer to register by phone, please call us at (919) 467-1973.

Mulligan and raffle tickets will be sold at the tournament.
Name *
First Name
Last Name
Company / Organization / Team *
Required for golf teams: Enter the sponsoring individual's name, company, or a team name. Type your recognition preference if making a donation without a golf registration (i.e. "Jane and John Doe" or "anonymous", etc.).
Address *
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Email *
Daytime Phone *
Golf Team
x $800.00
Includes: 18 holes of golf (greens & cart fees), range balls, lunch, beverages and swag bags for four (4) players.
Donation / Patron Sponsor
x $1.00
(Non-playing) Gifts of $250-$499 will be recognized on the tournament webpage as Patron Sponsors.100% tax-deductible.
Please provide names of players for each team purchased.
 Yes, I would like to cover the 3% processing fee.
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THANK YOU for supporting Life Experiences!