Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Hospitals for Humanity. All fields in the application are required.
Basic Information

Name *
First Name
Last Name
Email *
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Phone *
I am applying for *
How did you hear about Hospitals for Humanity *
Professional Information

Please select your profession *
Current Job *
Current Job Employer *
Language Spoken *
Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact
Contact Name *
Contact Phone Number *
Clinical and Essay Questions

A patient at an HFH clinic has labored breathing. Our facility has oxygen but no means of supplying the patient with it (nasal cannulas or masks).What will you do?
In 300 words or less, tell us why we should select you.


In addition to completing the application, volunteers are required to complete and submit four documents prior to their participation in any of our Initiatives.